Tuesday, March 8, 2011

~Chapter 7~

   "Class, I'd like you to welcome our new student, Nolan." We might as well have been inside a Charlie Brown cartoon. Everyone was so wrapped up in their computer projects, they barely even noticed the teacher.
   "Hey, nice to meet you all." I pulled my eyes away from my computer. It couldn't be... I slowly turned my head to see "the new kid" standing by the teacher. He was tall and had short brown hair and bright green eyes. His cute, childish smile was one that my eyes knew very well. His eyes were wandering around the room as if they were looking for something. When they came to me, the corner of his mouth pulled up in a small smile.
   "I'm sorry, they're right in the middle of a project," the teacher said to him. He turned to regard her, but his eyes never left mine. "It's too late to start one of your own..." The teacher turned to the room. "Would anybody be willing to work with Nolan for the rest of the project?" His eyebrows raised at me in a silent question. I sighed.
   "He can work with me," some girl stole the words right out of my mouth.
   "You go girl!" her friend whispered.
   "He's so cute!" another one said. Nolan gave me a sad look and I returned a silent "Sorry."
   Throughout class I could feel his eyes on me. Finally, the bell rang. The girl that had claimed Nolan was still flirting with him, so I stood up, grabbed the hood on Nolan's jacket, and dragged him out of the room with me.
   "What the hell are you doing here!?" I yelled as soon as we were far away from any of the students.
   He flinched away from my anger. "It's nice to see you too..." he said in a sarcastic voice.
   "Damn it, Nolan! I'm serious!! Why are you here!?" His face became serious.
   "Ai, it's been three months already. I got worried." He gave me one of those soft, loving looks and I looked away from his eyes.
   "I can take care of myself..." I said. Nolan took me in his arms.
   "I know, I'm sorry. I was just worried." I sighed and hugged him back.
   "Well don't be. I'm fine." I took a small step back from him.
   "Come on, you should get back before-"
   "Actually," he interrupted. "There's another reason I came here." His eyes strayed from mine. Something's wrong...
   "What is it?"
   "Heaven. They're in chaos without a leader. Ai," he looked at me with serious eyes. "They need you."

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